Humour is mojo for the soul. It helps us see things from different perspectives and at times, ease tension. And poems are the perfect humour pill!
Here lies three poems,
Especially for the young,
Mine does not count though,
You got to start from the next one!
1) Soggy Greens by John Cunlife

Oh, soggy greens, I hate you,
I hate your sloppy slush;
And if my mum would let me,
I’d throw you in a bush.
Oh, apple pie, I love you.
I love your crunchy crust;
And if my mum would let me,
I’d eat you til I bust.
2) Jam on Toast by Gareth Owen

Why is strawberry jam so red?
Why is toast so brown?
Why when I drop it on the floor
Is it always jam side down?
3) Zebra Crossing by Kate Williams

Ever seen
a zebra crossing
a zebra crossing?
Nor me.
Ever seen
a zebra crossing
a wild Savannah track?
I have.
He was after my snack.
Try this!
Read this with Junior and have him/her draw and colour his/her version of the poems.