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Chinese Synonyms for 5 common day-to-day emotions

A synonym as defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary, is “one or two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses.” For example, calling someone unyielding, bullheaded or a stick in the mud all share the same or nearly the same meaning as being stubborn.

In this blog, we share 5 common emotions we experience in in our daily lives and its associated Chinese synonyms that you can use in day-to-day conversations or writing.


你能从乐恩 的神情中猜出她的心情吗?

1. Happy (快乐 /愉快 )

Happy_Oops Odelia
  • 看见桌上摆满了生日礼物,弟弟快乐(kuài lè ~ happily)地跳起来。

  • 儿童节早上,我带着愉快(yú kuài ~ merry)的心情上学去。

2. Sad (哇哇大哭 / 悲伤 / 嚎啕大哭 )

Sad_Oops Odelia
  • 弟弟的玩具车坏了,他难过地哇哇大哭 (wā wā dà kū ~ cry loudly)。

  • 姐姐望着死去的小狗,悲伤 (bēi shāng ~> sorrowfully)地嚎啕大哭 (Háo táo dà kū ~ sob bitterly)。

3. Excited (兴奋 / 兴致勃勃)

Oops Odelia _Excited

  • 听说爸爸明天要带我们去看电影,我和哥哥兴奋 (xīng fèn ~ feeling excited)得整晚睡不着。

  • 我和伙伴们兴致勃勃(xìng zhì bó bó ~ in high spirits)地到篮球场去打篮球,不料天空突然下起倾盆大雨。

4. Scared (吓了一跳 / 惊慌)

Oops Odelia_Scared

  • 小狗突然从墙后冲了出来,把我吓了一跳 (xià le yī tiào ~ startled)。

  • 当我在人群中找不到爸爸妈妈时,我开始惊慌 (jīng huāng ~ to panic) 起来,眼泪从眼角流了下来。

5. Angry (愤怒 / 怒发冲冠 )

Oops Odelia_Angry

  • 姐姐愤怒 (fèn nù ~ furiously) 地注视着我,大声地吼道:“你怎么能偷看我的日记本!”

  • 看到老师气得怒发冲冠 (nù fà chōng guān ~ so angry that one's hair is rising) 的样子,全班同学顿时静了下来。



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